1st Fridays with The UBN
If you are “Melanated,” meaning you are of African descent living in the USA, Africa, and the Diaspora, and an investor, entrepreneur, or content producer/ artist, come be a part of the most important networking event of your career. We are going to do three things:
1. DECIDE what will and how to position Africans to effectively and efficiently develop Africa for prosperity,
2. NETWORK with serious Africans based on that strategy, and
3. TAKE ACTION TOGETHER on whatever we come up with to develop the Targeted Opportunity Repatriation Countries (TORCs)!
We're going to provide a balanced portrayal of the images being projected to the world about our people, and circulate the wealth that is generated by this content in our own communities here in the USA and on our own continent - AFRICA!
Since our foundation in 1995, our goal has been to use digital technology to create experiences with a deeper impact.
At 1st Fridays with The UBN, we present our business community with product placement and immersive marketing opportunities in the productions of our viral content producer population's upcoming projects, episodics, and films. These opportunities are for the African diaspora to make a lasting impact on the planet while at the same time pooling resources to continue the work of our African Ancestors around the world in general and in the USA and on the African continent in particular. Hosted by Isiko Muhammad El and William Sparrow, II, we're diving right in with a few projects that we have become aware of that are sure to go viral. It's time to get up, get out, and do something together.
Business community members... Don't think we forgot about you!
Beat Isiko and William through the door to secure your opportunity to join the creators in pitching your business or idea for a business to become a Sponsored Campaign.
What's a "Sponsored Campaign?"
We're happy you asked!
A Sponsored Campaign is a group of projects that 1st Fridays with The UBN dedicate 20% of the 1st Fridays with The UBN's ticket and door sales revenue. The number of these Sponsored Campaigns is set at 4. That means we will pick 2 creative projects and 2 businesses to support because we just love to PUT OUR MONEY WHERE OUR MOUTH IS!
Every 1st friday of every month!
Seats are limited! VERY limited!
5787 S. Hampton Rd.
Suite 125
Dallas, TX 75232
RSVP at..............................................
Free Door Prizes for the first 16 people to show up!
The UBN Studios
The UBN Studios
Aeonsoul Media Lab - The UBN StudiosKOTF TeleRadio Network Inc Headquarters
5787 S. Hampton Rd., Suite 125, Dallas, TX 752321st Fridays with The UBN
+1 (833) 313-5683Event Expired